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Easter Egg overload?

First of all let me start by saying happy Easter! I hope you all had a lovely day filled with light and love (and of course all those chocolate eggs!)

So now after maybe chomping your way through one or two of your eggs, you may be starting to feel a little unhealthy but don't worry! This blog is here to help you return your digestive system back to full function.

Easter is a time where we do unfortunately give in to our desires. We see chocolate and must eat it. But this of course knocks our digestive system out of sync. Our normal diet is bombarded with extra calories, extra sugar and artificial flavours that our system finds it hard to digest. Practising a few of the recommended asanas below will help to stimulate your digestive fire once again and get you on the road to recovery.

Asanas for stimulating digestion:

Paschimottanasana - Seated forward bend. Paschimottanasana helps to improve digestion and tone the digestive organs. The intestines are regulated due to the pressure on the abdomen. It also helps to regulate pancreatic functions which control carbohydrate metabolism and blood sugar levels. Great for combating all the extra intake of sugar!

Salabhasana - Locust. In locust, all your body weight is resting on the abdomen therefore stimulating the intestinal functions and removing sluggish digestion. This is guaranteed to get the digestive fire working.

Dhanurasana - Bow. Once again, as the whole body weight is resting on the abdomen the intestines and other digestive organs are stimulated and massaged helping to remove constipation and cure indigestion. The bow can also help to reduce fat and improve your appetite. This is also a great asana to practice to open the chest allowing you to receive new energy and vitality into the heart centre producing feelings of happiness and contentment. Feelings of happiness and contentment may lead to you becoming less likely to grab another egg...

Ardha Matsyendrasana - Half spinal twist. As the twist comes from the navel in this asana, it means the abdominal and digestive organs are massaged as you twist. Constipation and other digestive problems are alleviated if this asana is practised regularly. The twist helps to remove toxins from the body, squeezing out the digestive system allowing the digestive system to be cleansed. We always twist to the left first as this follows the direction of digestion within the body.

Happy practising! :)

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