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Spring is here!

So the Solar Eclipse has happened, Spring is officially here and there's new energy in the air but you may be asking yourselves, how do I maintain balance during this change in the seasons?

Here are some simple tips on how to keep your energy balanced, your body healthy and your mind calm:

1. Practice hip openers to release emotional tensions. Our hips are said to be where our emotions gather and if emotions are overwhelming, it causes energy blocks in the hips. These energy blocks are shown in the physical body as stiffness in the hips. By practising hip openers not only are we physically releasing the hips but we are also allowing our minds to release the emotional tension we may have. Practising hip openers means we can rid the body of physical discomfort brought on by emotional discomfort. We unblock the energy and allow it to flow freely again. Once the energy can move freely, the mind is also set free. Try practising Badhakonasana (butterfly pose), Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (pigeon pose) and Trikonasana (triangle pose) to open the hips. You can even just sit cross legged for 5 minutes per day to help ease the hips open.

2. Practice heart openers to allow the energy body to receive the new Spring energy. By opening our heart centre, we are allowing the energy body to receive energy. We are remaining open, welcoming and receptive to the changes happening around us and in us at this time of year. In every yoga asana (pose) you practice, try to keep the chest open by releasing the shoulders down the back and moving the chest forward and up (without arching the back). Bring your awareness during your practice to your heart centre. Feel as if you are welcoming the new energy in through this heart space. This awareness alone will help you and have tremendous benefits. Backbends are great for opening the heart. You can practice asanas such as Matsyasana (fish pose), Setu Bandhasana (bridge pose), Chakrasana (wheel pose) and Ustrasana (camel pose) to open your heart.

3. Practice twist to detox the body and mind ready for Spring. Twists help to fire up the digestive system and release toxins from the body. As you practice your twists, feel as if the twist is coming from the navel not the neck. Bring your awareness to your abdomen and spine as you practice twists, really learning to feel how they stimulate the digestive fire and rid the body of unwanted things. As we practice twists to release unwanted things from the physical body, we can also practice twists to release unwanted thoughts from the mind. So as you practice twists, consider those things that you no longer want in your mind and let them go. On each inhalation become aware of the abdomen, the spine and the unwanted thought and on each exhalation, twisting further feeling the twist physically and feeling the mental tension leaving the mind. Try practising twists such as Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist), Parivrtta Trikonsana (reverse triangle pose) and Ardha Chandrasana (revolved half moon pose).

Have fun with your practice in Spring and remember to welcome the changes in your body and mind as we enter this new season. Namaste.

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