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What is the meaning of life?

So it's that question that everyone asks themselves at least once in their life, "Why am I here? What is the meaning of life?"

It's something I have been thinking about in the last couple of days. Most of us get up every morning at the same time, we do our morning routine and make our way to work where we spend the next 8 hours and then we make our way home, do some house chores, eat and try to relax. It doesn't sound much fun, does it?

Well this is the way most people live on a day to day basis. You're almost on autopilot for most things throughout your working day. There is no thrill in the mundane routine. This sort of routine is what makes us ask the question, "what is the meaning of life?" in the first place. It can't just be to get a job, pay bills and die, surely?

Now, take money, responsbility and bills out of the question, what would be your dream job or lifestyle? If you were given the chance, would you take it? Would this make you happy?

Your immediate answer is probably, "yes". But would that job or lifestyle always make you happy? Would you never become bored of the new routine?

So if your dream job or lifestyle doesn't make you happy, what will? Why are you on Earth, what's the purpose? Maybe the meaning of life is about appreciating the small things in life. Those moments with friends, those times you've laughed so hard your stomach aches, those times where you have been at peace with yourself.

As humans we are designed to chase our dreams and ambitions, to move forward, to get the next best car or iPhone. Whatever material object it is, we chase it. We feel we need it or we want it and must have it. We focus our energies on obtaining this material object. But once we get that material object, we slowly realise that it won't make us happy forever so we chase the next fad. And the cycle continues...

Now consider if we focused our energy onto something else, something like yoga and meditation. All of that drive and chasing for a material goal can be transformed into wanting to obtain a spiritual goal. The ability to focus, to concentrate, to devote ourselves to obtain a material object is present. We all have the ability to work towards a goal. So why not make your goal a spiritual goal instead of a material goal?

Bhakti yoga teaches us to feel love and connection to those around us and those sharing the world with us. It's the yoga of love and devotion. Devotion to Krishna or another Hindu deity, devotion to your own sadhana (spiritual practice), devotion to reaching the ultimate spiritual goal of reuniting with your true Self. Bhakti yoga teaches that all our human instincts (good and bad) can be transformed on the spiritual path. Our bad traits can be used for good on the spiritual path. For example, greed is seen as a bad thing but on the Bhakti yoga path, this greed, this natural human trait, can be transformed to become greed for Krishna's love. It turns it into a positive trait. It's OK to be greedy if you're being greedy in order to serve Krishna more, to love him more, to give him more of yourself. We experience greed for material things. Once again, our greed drives us towards a material goal so why not use your greed for a spiritual goal instead?

The next time you are unhappy and you think a new phone or a new pair of jeans will help, just remember that it won't last forever, that immediate satisfaction will soon disappear. All of that energy and enthusiasm you had for saving for that new pair of jeans can be better directed into your spiritual path. Turn that love and devotion you have for the material object into love and devotion for the Universal spirit. See which one makes you happier for longer.

So to me that's the meaning of release from the material world into the transcendantal, spiritual world of bliss and true happiness.

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